F.U.B.A.R. Roller Jam
Join Us For The “Annual F.U.B.A.R. Roller Jam”
Sunday May 26 2019 (3pm – 7pm) & Sunday September 29 2019 (3pm – 7pm)
Friends United Beyond All Race is proud to present the F.U.B.A.R. Roller Jam!
Robson Square’s skating rink will be magically transformed into a classic roller disco on May 26 2019 and September 29 from 3pm – 7pm with family rollerskating, old-school soul, funk and R&B music, and a fun, retro vibe. The event will also feature special performances, face painting, prize draws, 50/50 draws, celebrity DJ’s, Table Tutors advanced DJ students and more. Advanced skaters will also be on site for individual help and instruction.
Admission by donation (min. $10). Proceeds go to Make-A-Wish BC & Yukon,
together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.
Make-A-Wish BC & Yukon has granted over 2,100 wishes in its more than 35 year history. The average wish costs $10,000 They grant a wish, on average, every three days to a child battling a critical illnesses, helping to put hope, strength, and joy into their journey. A wish is transformative not only for a wish child, but for the families that experience a critical illness together. Wishes heal.
Glow Sticks & Make-A-Wish Stars will also be available for purchase for a minimum donation of $20.
Rollerskate rentals by Rolla Skate Club – $12 for an hour of skating, or $20 to roll for as long as you want! Tons of rollerskates in men’s sizes 5-9 & womens size 4-11, first come first served availability in the smaller and larger sizes. Free protective gear is available with rental.
The skate is from 3pm-7pm.
If you are unable to attend, you can still donate. Click this link https://makeawishbc.ca/donate and select “In Honour Of” then type in the box “F.U.B.A.R. Roller Jam”. If you donate online you will receive an auto-generated tax receipt & thank you from Make-A-Wish BC & Yukon directly.
♥ Kindly sponsored by Rollerskate Vancouver, Rolla Skate Club, RollerGirl.ca, Shop Task, Studio 604 and TableTutors ♥.
Information About Roller Skate Rentals:
“Rolla Skate Club”

“Roller Girl”

Over the last couple years there’s been a resurgence in roller skating with multiple events to attend. Roller Girl has many skate selections to choose from at reasonable prices to purchase or rent.
For more information check them out at www.rollergirl.ca, follow them on Facebook at Instagram or pop in to the shop, 185 E. 11th Ave. and say hi to Lisa.